The sore shoulder . . .

Well thanks to Flatlander, I have a sore shoulder . . . the pain really never subsides totally. At that last race I came around one corner to see him sitting in the shade watching racers go by. I said, “Come on old man!” and he fired up his bike and took off after me. He caught up quickly (remember he was resting in the shade and I was on my second lap) and we had some great fun riding the course! Went back and forth a couple times and he definitely made me raise my pace a bit. I was tired and pissed about the restart (that’s another story) so it was good to have some fun with Rob.

But, we came up over this little rise and dropped into the woods and in the left-hand turn I washed out the front wheel and did a cartwheel. I almost landed on my feet but must have pinged something hard because the back of my upper arm is still showing a bruise today. Must have pulled something apart, moved something out of place because it is still very, very sore.

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Went out for another lap and cruised around enjoying the course that Jesse and I built . . . just not into the racing piece of it right now, but I love riding the courses!

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